Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We are up and running.....

It is funny how life takes funny turns and leads you down a path that you had no idea what you were going to find. Late in 2008, my family had experienced an unexpected change in our financial security (and not in a good way). I had always wanted to have a bakery of my own, but the risk was too big to take. After making some pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for a company potluck, my boss told me a should start a cupcake business to make some extra money. Combining your passion with a business opportunity- doesn't really seem like work. After some discussion with my family on Christmas Eve, I had a business name (Cupcakes On The Go) and an entire menu of yummy cupcakes that I could not wait to share with anyone who was interested. Fast forward almost five months and I find out a friend shares my same passion for these wonderful treats. Melissa is now my partner in a dream that started many years ago. Cupcakes On The Go is on it's way and I am looking forward to seeing what I find as I continue down this path.